
Facing the future, Stick together, With faithfulness and sharing

Warmly celebrate the successful conclusion of the 2017 annual summary and commendation meeting of Jiangsu Tetra New Material Technology Co., Ltd


On January 21, 2018, our company held the "2017 annual summary and commendation meeting" in the Crown Hotel of Taixing City, where the leaders of the group, leaders at all levels and front-line employees of the company gathered. Review the extraordinary course of 2017, summarize the experience and lessons of the past year, and commend a group of excellent and advanced employees.

The scene of the activity was full of passion, enthusiasm and active atmosphere. First, the factory director Mr. Liu Xiaowu made the 2017 annual summary report. First, he reviewed the achievements made in 2017, and gave full affirmation and encouragement to the efforts and contributions of all departments of the company. Secondly, he put forward the work ideas of the company in 2018 and made clear the company's operation direction.

In the past year, the company's safety and environmental protection situation is stable, the production output is innovative, the project construction has made progress, the enterprise management has been strengthened, and the team building has been steadily promoted. All these are inseparable from the hard work and dedication of all members of the company. The host enthusiastically read out the list of outstanding employees and advanced workers in 2017, and the company awarded to each outstanding employee and advanced worker certificates of honor, prizes, etc.

Finally, chairman Cao Xianglai addressed the meeting, encouraging everyone to keep in mind and forge ahead. Do not forget the original intention is to always keep the enterprising heart, the heart of awe and the heart of Thanksgiving. The chairman affirmed the achievements made by Tetra in 2017 and made clear the direction for the future development of the company. At the same time, the chairman of the board presented a special award to all employees of Tetra.

In order to improve the winning rate, the company set up special prizes, first prize, second prize and third prize, respectively. Commemorative prizes were also prepared for the employees who did not win the prize. The special award temporarily added by the chairman of the board made everyone more surprised. Along with the birth of one lucky child, cheers from time to time ripple on the scene of the event. We had a good dinner. Toast to the new year. The whole activity was successfully completed in a harmonious, warm and happy atmosphere.

Ten years of sharpening a sword, comes the day to test the sword. We have gone through the hard works of yesterday, ushered in today, but also to clear the clouds to see the sun, sunny tomorrow. Let's follow the direction of the board of directors, grasp the rare opportunity of the national new material industry layout, keep in mind the original intention, keep in mind the mission, unite as one, march forward bravely, and strive hard to create a strong Tetra enterprise!

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