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Tetra successfully participated in the North American Composite CAMX Exhibition


Jiangsu Tetra New Material Technology Co., Ltd. successfully participated in the exhibition from September 24 to 26, 2019

North American Composite CAMX Exhibition

CAMX is one of the world's three largest composite exhibitions, and the North American Composite and Advanced Materials Exhibition is the perfect venue to showcase your products and services to potential customers. The high level of management of the exhibitors has shown how to make the exhibition truly trade-oriented, with the result that the North American Composite and Advanced Materials Exhibition has developed into a market leader. The sales of enterprises are not limited to the vast number of potential customers in this exhibition. Many enterprises just focus on the future international market and join the North American Composite Material and Advanced Materials Exhibition. As China's composite material industry continues to develop robustly in terms of industrial development and cross-regional economic growth, the theme in this regard will achieve better showcasing results.

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